PORTFOLIO: Universal Hovercraft

  • TV and News Media

TV and News Media

Provided full media production support and lead project manager for a large portfolio of production companies from aroud the world. I also had a few opportunities to be on screen with some live action driving sequences. Was also a part of helping multiple teams with the video capture and setup of vehicle rigs, chase shots, driveby, timelapse, still photography and all other types of digital media support.
  • Travel Channel: Ride-diculous
  • MTV: Mega-Drive
  • WREX Channel 13 News: Special Segment
  • British Television: Ride-diculous
  • Velocity TV: Tech Toys 360

  • Trade Show Booth Design

Trade Show Booth Design

I have designed all materials and media used for a wide range of trade show booth setups over the years.
  • Flyers and Print Marketing

Flyers and Print Marketing

Flyers and Print Marketing for Universal Hovercraft.
  • Business Cards

Business Cards

I have created many rounds of business cards for Universal Hovercraft. From catchy high res photos showcasing different models to simple clean designs experimenting more with paper types and styles.
  • Magazine and Print Advertising

Magazine and Print Advertising

I have designed multiple types of print related ads, articles and promotional materials for Universal Hovercraft. Primarily focused on different production models as well as our kit and parts division. Our current focus and trend is based on our 2 most popular models, the flying 19XRW Hoverwing and our 2 passenger Renegade Hovercraft.
  • Airboat Magazine: Articles, product advertizing
  • Hammacher Schlemer: Directed product photo shoot for new Product Showcase for catalog
  • Scuttlebut Magazine: Photography and magazine advertizing
  • Hovernews Monthly: Product Advertizing, Articles and Promotional Showcase
  • Logo Designs

Logo Designs

Here is a list of badging, logos, warning labels, vehicle titles, coast guard and capacity decals that I have produced for Universal Hovercraft.
  • Badging & Decals

Badging & Decals

Here is a list of badging, logos, warning labels, vehicle titles, coast guard and capacity decals that I have produced for Universal Hovercraft.
  • Photography


Here is a list of photos I have captured while working for Universal Hovercraft
  • Video Productions

Video Productions

Here is a list of videos I have produced for Universal Hovercraft.
  • Rock River Sweep Program

River Cleanup Program

Participated in the first ever Rock River Sweep program. Provided the primary transport vessels for both canoe based cleanup crews as well as large trash pickup. We used two smaller hovercraft this year; a UH-14P and a Renegade IQ. This year in just over a three hour period more than 900 pounds of trash was removed from a 1 mile stretch of the river just south of the Morgan Street Bridge in Rockford IL. Working with Universal Hovercraft and The Rock River Times we have helped with this program for the first 3 seasons cleaning up our stretch of the Rock River.

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